A note about ZXP releases and the Adobe Add-On Site
It take 2 weeks to get a plugin with both the licensed and trial version approved and published on Adobe Add-Ons site. As I have full control over the release cycle on Sourceforge, new releases will be posted to Sourceforge site in both zip and zxp format first, and the Adobe Add-On will follow several weeks later.
For those wishing to purchase a license, I appreciate the use of Paypal. Adobe claims about 30% of the fee while Paypal only takes around 1%.
License Terms
Prior to version 5, the calendar wizard is free for personal, non-profit and commercial use. Version 5 and later are still free for personal and non-profit use; however, commerical use now requires a purchased license. Commercial use is defined as any activity intended to generate revenue.
Two commerical licenses are offered. A single use license for $20 that either entitles one user on unlimited computers or unlimited users on a single computer. An enterprise license for $100 that grants every employee of the company a single use license.
The unlicensed version is fully functional and will not expire. It may be used without a license for personal and non-profit applications. For commercial ventures, it is recommended to try the unlicensed version prior to purchasing a license as no refunds on the license are offered.
Anybody who made a donation prior to November 1, 2015 is entitiled to a free single use license. Please contact the author to obtain your license.
To purchase a license, use the paypal buttons below